
Towns, Villages, and Northern Municipalities Gather for Sector Meeting

May 10, 2018

More than 100 representatives from Saskatchewan towns, villages, resort villages, and northern municipalities met in Regina today for the SUMA (SUMA) sector meeting. See more in our full media release.  

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Western Canadian Municipal Association (WCMA) meets in Regina

Apr 27, 2018

Today, leaders of municipal associations from Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Manitoba met in Regina to discuss topics of common concern for the prairie provinces. The annual Western Canadian Municipal Association meeting brought together elected officials and staff from the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM), the SUMA (SUMA), the Association of Manitoba Municipalities (AMM),…

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SUMA, SARM, and FCM unveil Municipal Guide to Cannabis Legalization

Apr 16, 2018

As the date for cannabis legalization approaches, Saskatchewan municipalities are taking a big step forward in their preparation to keep citizens safe and well-served from day one. Following months of collaboration with a technical advisory group and legal experts, the SUMA (SUMA) and the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM), in partnership with the Federation of Canadian…

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2018-19 Budget Maintaining Support for Saskatchewan Hometowns

Apr 10, 2018

The SUMA (SUMA) is relieved to see that today’s provincial budget is maintaining support for Saskatchewan hometowns. In today’s budget, the provincial government is reinstating the SaskEnergy municipal surcharge to 109 of our municipalities who saw it cut last year. The surcharge will also be extended to all Saskatchewan cities, towns and villages. See more in our full media…

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Happening Now: Asset Management Workshops for Saskatchewan Municipalities

Apr 2, 2018

Keep pace with asset management requirements by attending an in-person workshop tailor made for Saskatchewan municipalities. Asset Management Saskatchewan is offering workshops across the province throughout the month of April. The workshops focus on the purpose of asset management, the Gas Tax requirements, and the role of key asset management documents. Free webinars made for both…

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SGI dropping non-productive call rate to compensate hometown fire departments

Mar 1, 2018

Today, SGI will stop using the non-productive call rate for time spent by fire departments responding to motor vehicle collisions (MVCs) on provincial highways. Saskatchewan’s fire departments will now be compensated at a rate of $913 for every hour spent at a collision in 2018, rather than having their time potentially classified at the lower, non-productive rate of $549 per hour. The…

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The Power of Hometowns on Display at SUMA Convention 2018

Jan 30, 2018

The SUMA (SUMA) is hosting its 113th Annual Convention from February 4 to 7. Nearly 1,000 representatives from Saskatchewan’s cities, towns, villages, and northern municipalities will come together in Regina for Convention 2018. The annual convention is a great chance to highlight the exciting things happening in Saskatchewan hometowns. SUMA members get to bring their challenges and…

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SUMA Phones Down

Jan 30, 2018

If you are calling the SUMA office — or anyone in it — do not be fooled by the "This number is no longer in service" message! Our phone system is currently down, but our provider is working on restoring service. We are still receiving emails if you need to contact us.

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Attend the Saskatchewan Smart Cities Event

Dec 5, 2017

The Canadian Smart Cities Challenge kicked off last week, but don't let the name fool you — it's open to all SUMA members. In fact, the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) is hosting a regional event next Monday, December 11, and you can attend in person or by teleconference.  Space for the event is limited, so register now to save your spot. You'll get…

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Register Now: Asset Management Training Tailored for Saskatchewan Municipalities

Nov 27, 2017

As we told you last month, Asset Management Saskatchewan is designing and delivering local training to municipalities, thanks to funding from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM). Registration is now open for webinars, which begin this Thursday, November 30. So far, webinars are planned through mid-April. They will also start offering in-person workshops around the province…

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Engaging Provincial Leadership Candidates

Nov 22, 2017

Saskatchewan is experiencing a rare phenomenon, with the two main provincial political parties both undergoing a leadership race. In these exceptional circumstances, SUMA took the opportunity to ask leadership candidates about several issues that are important to Saskatchewan hometowns. In late October, we wrote to the declared candidates for the Saskatchewan Party and Saskatchewan…

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Asset Management Training Tailored for Saskatchewan Municipalities

Oct 3, 2017

Last week, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) announced funding for asset management training programs across Canada. Asset Management Saskatchewan is one of the 22 organizations that will receive funding to design and delivery local training to municipalities. Details on training sessions, dates, and locations will come out later this fall; SUMA will share information with members on…

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Starting Citizens on Patrol Programs

Sep 21, 2017

Interest in Citizens on Patrol Programs in Saskatchewan has been growing. Any individual or group can consider establishing a local group. If someone in your municipality is interested in starting a local program, you can check out the documents below, and contact: Cpl. Mel Zurevinsky Crime Prevention/ Crime Reduction Saskatchewan RCMP Phone: 306-780-3931 Cell: 306-216-8294…

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Provincial Caucus Committee on Crime Report and Recommendations

Aug 24, 2017

On Tuesday, August 22, 2017, the province released the Caucus Committee on Crime report and recommendations to reduce crime in small urban and rural Saskatchewan. SUMA was pleased to be a part of the consultations for the CRC report, and it appears the committee considered our members' concerns.  We applaud the move toward proactive programming, such as mental health and addictions…

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Third Mayors Summer School Kicked Off

Aug 21, 2017

Yesterday, SUMA kicked off our third Mayors Summer School, the first program of its kind in Canada. Mayors and deputy mayors from more than 40 member municipalities (including President Barnhart) will be on campus at the University of Regina taking in education tailor-made for Saskatchewan mayors. Watch our Twitter feed for sneak peeks at the action, and see the media release for more details on…

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