
This list of grants available to Saskatchewan municipalities is provided as a service to members. Although every effort is made to ensure accuracy, this list should not be considered exhaustive or definitive. Click on a focus area below to go directly to those grants. Please contact if you have a grant to add. 


Community Development

Citizen and Immigration Canada | Inter-Action Multiculturalism Grants and Contributions Funding | Up to $25,000 for events that foster multiculturalism and creating an integrated, socially-cohesive society | Year-round

Employment and Social Development Canada | Career Focus | Funding for range of activities that enable youth make more informed career decisions and develop their skills | Year-round

Employment and Social Development Canada | Foreign Credential Recognition Program | Up to $10,000 for programs to help internationally trained individuals to obtain their Canadian certification | Year-round

Employment and Social Development Canada | Skills Link | Up to $25,000 per program participant available to employers who offer eligible activities to youth who face barriers to employment; for projects up to 30 weeks | Year-round

Employment and Social Development Canada | New Horizons for Seniors Program | Grants and contributions for projects led or inspired by seniors who want to make a difference in their communities | Year-round

Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada| Family Violence Prevention Program | Funding for annual or multi-year community-driven prevention projects such as public awareness campaigns, conferences, workshops, stress and anger management seminars, support groups, and community needs assessments on and off-reserve is open also to non-Indigenous communities whose mandate includes service to First Nations, Inuit and/or Métis | Deadlines vary

Office of the Provincial Interlocutor | First Nations and Métis Community Engagement Project Fund | Up to $15,000 for community projects or $45,000 for regional or multi-party projects that involve practical arrangements and partnerships with First Nations and/or Métis communities, agencies or non-profit organizations in supporting safe communities, strong families, student achievement and/or economic growth | Year-round

Richardson International Ltd. | Community Donations | Funding for local initiatives that enhance the quality of life in the communities in which Richardson operates | Year-round

SGI | Community Grants Program | Usually about $1,000 per project to help local organizations offset the cost of traffic safety and brain injury prevention programs | Deadlines: March 31 and September 30 

Government of Canada | Canada Cultral Spaces Fund | The Canada Culture Space Fund was designed to increase and improve access for Canadians to arts and culture. It supports the construction and/or renovation of arts and/or heritage facilities, or creative hubs; acquisition of specialized equipment; or development of feasibility studies for the construction or renovation of arts and/or heritage facilities, or creative hubs. | Applications accepted on an ongoing basis

Saskatchewan Legion | Veteran’s Service Club Grant | The program provides grants for repairs and upgrades, special events, operations, programs, and activities to engage the community and advance the work of veterans' service organizations in Saskatchewan. | April 30, August 31

SPRA | Community Rink Affordability Grant  |  Skating and curling rinks are integral to the creation of vibrant, active, and connected communities in Saskatchewan. These facilities play a critical role in health and wellness, at a time when that has never been more important. Recognizing the escalating operating costs communities and organizations face, SPRA has partnered with the Government of Saskatchewan to offer the Community Rink Affordability Grant. A maximum of $2,500 will be available per ice surface to help offset the expenses in eligible indoor skating and curling rinks for the 2022-23 operating season. | Separate applications will need to be completed for each ice-skating facility and curling facility. |  Currently closed

FCM / Cando |  First Nation-Municipal Community Economic Development Initiative (CEDI) Program – Prairies Region |  The CEDI Program supports neighbouring First Nations and municipalities to build capacity to develop and implement long-term joint planning for community economic development initiatives and land use, while building respectful and sustainable government-to-government partnerships. If you are neighbouring First Nation and municipal government(s) in the Prairie provinces and are interested in participating in the CEDI Program, we encourage you to jointly apply! | Currently closed

Nutrien  | Building Stronger Communities Grant  | Nutrien will support 65 organizations in Saskatchewan and Manitoba, each with a $2,500 grant. Nutrien invests in community initiatives and partnerships that enhance the quality of life in the regions where we operate and that reflect the goals and values of our company. These grants will empower local community groups by supporting projects and initiatives that foster resilient communities where residents are nourished and supported. | Deadline to apply: 5:00 pm September 30

Economic Development

Office of the Provincial Interlocutor | First Nations and Métis Community Engagement Project Fund | Up to $15,000 for community projects or $45,000 for regiona l or multi-party projects that involve practical arrangements and partnerships with First Nations and/or Métis communities, agencies or non-profit organizations in supporting safe communities, strong families, student achievement and/or economic growth | Year-round


Closed Loop Foundation | Closed Loop Fund | $250,000 to $5 million or more, in interest-free one- to 10-year loans for investments in recycling infrastructure including carts, trucks, receptacles, processing plants (Materials Recovery Facilities), facility upgrades, secondary processing plants or emerging technology | Year round

Federation of Canadian Municipalities | Green Municipal Fund | Up to $1.5 million in funding,  resources and access to low interest loans for municipal sustainable development projects | Deadlines vary

Government of Saskatchewan | Impacted Sites Fund | Saskatchewan municipalities can apply for funding to clean up abandoned, environmentally impacted sites through the Impacted Sites Fund | Deadlines vary

Water Security Agency | Flood Damage Reduction Program | Provides cost share funding for implementing proactive flood damage prevention or reduction measures for cities, towns, villages, and hamlets that face a risk of suffering recurrent flood damage in the future. | Ongoing

Making Nature Count | Legal Primer – Natural Asset Management  |  A resource for local governments and elected officials, this primer highlights potential legal issues and liability for local governments, as well as legal tools to help ensure nature and the services it provides are protected.  

Canadian Urban Institute  | Climate Ready Infrastructure Service | The Climate Ready Infrastructure Service is newly established capacity building project for local governments that connects local governments and communities with top climate experts to support the integration of low-carbon resilience into infrastructure projects. By providing expert guidance and technical advice, local governments gain the tools needed to better serve their communities, reduce emissions, and meet the challenges of climate change head-on.


Government of Saskatchewan | Targeted Sector Support Initiative | Funds for projects that help encourage inter-community collaboration and good governance in Saskatchewan municipalities | The deadline to submit applications is 11:59 p.m. CST on Wednesday, April 30, 2025.

Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation | Seed Funding | Funding and interest-free loans to cover proposal and development stage of affordable housing projects | Year-round

Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation | Affordable Rental Innovation Fund | Funds to support building of new, accessible, affordable rental housing units | Year-round

Government of Canada | Canada Housing Infrastructure Fund | The department is now accepting proposals from eligible applicants, such as municipalities and Indigenous communities, for projects with total eligible costs ranging between $1 million and $100 million, under a continuous intake stream while the intake remains open.  Eligible applicants seeking support for pressing drinking water, wastewater, stormwater and solid-waste infrastructure needs can apply until March 31, 2025, 15:00 Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).


Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation | Seed Funding | Funding and interest-free loans to cover proposal and development stage of affordable housing projects | Year-round

Closed Loop Foundation | Closed Loop Fund | $250,000 to $5 million or more, in interest-free one- to 10-year loans for investments in recycling infrastructure including carts, trucks, receptacles, processing plants (Materials Recovery Facilities), facility upgrades, secondary processing plants or emerging technology | Year round

Eco-West | NRCan's Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program | Get up to 50% back for installing one or more electric vehicle (EV) charging stations with Eco-West Canada’s EVCP initiative | Application period closed. Contact to submit an expression of interest.

Federation of Canadian Municipalities | Green Municipal Fund | Up to $1.5 million in funding,  resources and access to low interest loans for municipal sustainable development projects | Deadlines vary

Federation of Canadian Municipalities | Municipal Asset Management Program | Training and funds to equip municipal decision-makers with the necessary tools to make infrastructure dollars go further.

Government of Saskatchewan | Northern Capital Grants Program | Funding for build or purchase of municipal infrastructure and capital assets | Year-round

Government of Saskatchewan | Northern Water and Sewer Program | Funding to help northern communities with new water and sewer systems or expansion, upgrading, or replacement of existing water and sewer systems | Year-round

Government of Saskatchewan | Provincial Disaster Assistance Program | Funding to help communities recover from the effects of natural disasters, including flooding, tornadoes, plow winds and other severe weather | Deadline:  Within six months of the disaster

Infrastructure Canada | Canada Community-Building Fund | Funds for local infrastructure projects | Deadlines: various, refer to link

Infrastructure Canada | Rural Transit Solutions Fund | The Rural Transit Solutions Fund is the first federal fund to target the development of transit solutions in rural and remote communities. It is making $250 million in federal funding available over five years to support the development of locally-driven transit solutions that will help people living in these communities get to work, school and appointments, and visit loved ones. | Deadlines: various, refer to link

Veterans Affairs | Community War Memorial | The Community War Memorial funding supports the construction, restoration or expansion of a community war memorial. | Deadlines: the first business day of January, April, July and October.

Veterans Affairs | Community Engagement Partnership Fund | Funding for commemorative projects to pay tribute to Canadian veterans who died in service| Deadlines: first business day of January, April, July and October

Ship and Rail Compensation Canada |  Rail Fund | Provides compensation to those affected by major rail accidents involving crude oil | Within three years of the accident

Public Safety

Justice Canada | Family Violence Initiative | Funding for short term projects to conduct pilot projects that improve the justice system’s response to family violence | Year-round

Justice Canada | Youth Justice Fund - Guns, Gangs and Drugs | Up to $500,000 in funding for research and programming for youth vulnerable to gun, gang and drug activities | Year-round

Office of the Provincial Interlocutor | First Nations and Métis Community Engagement Project Fund | Up to $15,000 for community projects or $45,000 for regional or multi-party projects that involve practical arrangements and partnerships with First Nations and/or Métis communities, agencies or non-profit organizations in supporting safe communities, strong families, student achievement and/or economic growth | Year-round

SGI | Provincial Traffic Safety Fund Grant | Individuals representing municipalities and Indigenous lands/territories can apply for a grant to undertake traffic safety initiatives in their communities. Grants of up to $100,000 per initiative are available. | Deadlines: March 31 and September 30 

Recreation, Arts, and Culture

Canadian Heritage | Canada Cultural Spaces Fund | Funds that support the improvement of physical conditions for artistic creativity and innovation. | Year-round

Canadian Heritage | Building Communities through Arts and Heritage - Community Anniversaries | Up to $200,000 for non-recurring festivals that present the work of local artists and performers, for the general public | Deadline: Ongoing

Canadian Heritage | Building Communities through Arts and Heritage - Festivals | Up to $200,000 for recurring festivals that present the work of local artists and performers, for the general public | Deadline: Ongoing

Canadian Heritage | Building Communities through Arts and Heritage - Legacy Fund | Up to $500,000 matching grant for capital projects to commemorate a local historical event or personality | Year-round

Office of the Provincial Interlocutor | First Nations and Métis Community Engagement Project Fund | Up to $15,000 for community projects or $45,000 for regional or multi-party projects that involve practical arrangements and partnerships with First Nations and/or Métis communities, agencies or non-profit organizations in supporting safe communities, strong families, student achievement and/or economic growth | Year-round

SaskEnergy | Community Fund | Cash and inkind donations such as lanyards, tents, door prizes, raffle items, etc. up to $1000 | Year-round

Veterans Affairs | Community War Memorial | The Community War Memorial funding supports the construction, restoration or expansion of a community war memorial. | Deadlines: the first business day of January, April, July and October.

Veterans Affairs | Community Engagement Partnership Fund | Funding for commemorative projects to pay tribute to Canadian veterans who died in service| Deadlines: It is strongly recommended that applications be submitted at least three (3) months before your project’s start date.