SUMA's 2025 Federal Election Advocacy Hub

This page is dedicated to providing you with information on SUMA’s advocacy campaign during the 45th Federal Election. Here you will find information on the key issues we’ll be raising, links to social media platforms, and recent articles relating to the issues we are championing. Please check back often, as this page will be updated throughout the course of the election campaign until Canadians go to the polls on April 28.


Campaign Overview

For the 2025 Federal Election Campaign, SUMA has identified three key themes that we will be discussing in a variety of forums throughout the campaign:

  1. Infrastructure
  2. Economy
  3. Community Safety and Wellbeing


We are calling on all federal parties to present platforms that address the following issues:


  • Municipal funding and infrastructure needs 
  • Broadband connectivity 
  • Municipal development costs



  • Getting products to market
  • Border services 
  • Inter-provincial trade barriers (and/or tariff challenges) as an impediment to growth in small communities 
  • Return of carbon tax funds to municipalities 
  • Canada Post privatization 


Community Safety and Wellbeing

  • RCMP resources 
  • Non-market housing support
  • Funding for municipal emergency services
  • Changes to the Canada Health Act to support mental health, addictions, and homelessness 




Important Resources from SUMA

Policies in Brief

These documents briefly explain the key messages and background of the issues SUMA is highlighting in this campaign. 


Detailed Backgrounders

These documents provide a detailed explanation of each of the issues SUMA is highlighting. Review these carefully to ensure you understand the issues.


Election Platforms

SUMA will be watching the media for the three main parties' (Liberal, Conservative, and NDP) election platforms. We will gathered information from those platforms relevent to municipalities and divided it into our three main topics: building sustainable communities, building safer communities, and building better relationships, and compile it into a document for easy reference.

When available, that document can be downloaded on this page.


Other Online Resources

Municipal Information Network  

Federation of Canadian Muncipalities Federal Election Platform:  Stronger Together: Local Strength, National Prosperity

Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) 



Social Media

Throughout the election campaign, we encourage you to share and retweet our social media content, as well as that of the FCM. We’ve also included a list of suggested hashtags to get our messages spread as widely as possible — and to those who need to see them.


SUMA social Media Platforms





FCM Social Media Platforms





Suggested Hashtags


