
“We are URBAN.” Campaign Celebrates all SUMA Municipalities

Jun 28, 2024

SUMA’s “We are URBAN.” campaign celebrates all of our member communities—from the smallest villages to the largest cities—and highlights all the ways that they serve their residents and surrounding areas. Through billboards across Saskatchewan, and posts on social media, the initiative spotlights the facilities, services, landmarks, and features that make our cities,…

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New Partnership to Help Urban Municipalities with Francophone-related Funding

Apr 15, 2024

Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA) and the Assemblée Communautaire Fransaskoise (ACF) are pleased to announce a new partnership, which will help engage SUMA members across the province and lend support when they seek Government Francophone-related funding.   Read the full release below. 

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Saskatchewan’s Urban Municipalities To Gather for the 2024 SUMA Convention and Tradeshow

Apr 11, 2024

From April 14-17, over 1000 representatives from Saskatchewan’s cities, towns, villages, resort villages, and northern municipalities will come together for the 2024 SUMA Convention and Tradeshow at the REAL District in Regina. Through Convention 2024, delegates will reconnect with colleagues, focus on new ideas, network with SUMA and provincial decision makers, and reflect on municipal…

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New Intake for Targeted Sector Support Initiative

Apr 2, 2024

From now until June 7, 2024, the Target Sector Support (TSS) Initiative is accepting grant applications for municipal projects that focus on partnerships, planning, and collaboration.  The TSS Initiative provides cost-shared grants, up to 75 per cent on eligible costs, to municipalities partnering to strengthen their core municipal responsibilities.  TSS was established following a…

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SUMA Recognizes Efforts, but More Funding Necessary in Budget 2024-25

Mar 21, 2024

Provincial investments into Saskatchewan’s hometowns help improve the quality of life for residents. With the 2024-25 budget, SUMA recognizes the province’s efforts to improve lives across Saskatchewan by maintaining key operating funding and increasing investments in key healthcare infrastructure. We are, however, disappointed in the decrease to transportation infrastructure for our…

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Changes to Canada Community Building Fund Unfair to Municipalities

Feb 28, 2024

The Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA) has substantial concerns with changes proposed to the Canada Community Building Fund by the Government of Canada. These changes would see additional criteria related to affordable housing development imposed on the municipal sector. “Our cities, towns, villages, resort villages, and northern municipalities recognize the need for more…

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SUMA helps sister organization with more effective advocacy

Jan 25, 2024

Launched this Wednesday, January 24, 2024 in Cotonou, this three-day training course is part of the Municipal Partnerships for Innovation-Women in Local Politics (PMI-FPL) project. The project is implemented by ANCB in collaboration with the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and financed by Global Affairs Canada. The session is led by executives from the Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities…

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New Mental Health and Addictions Action Plan Makes Strides, Continued Collaboration Necessary

Nov 20, 2023

The City Mayors’ Caucus and Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA) acknowledge the recent strides the province has taken in adopting a new action plan for mental health and addictions, which includes a homelessness strategy and other additional investments in mental health and addictions. Among other items, we are pleased with the 500 new addiction treatment spaces over the…

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Throne Speech Addresses Mental Health and Addictions

Oct 26, 2023

SUMA is pleased with the Government of Saskatchewan’s focus on homelessness, mental health, and addictions in yesterday’s Throne Speech. Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA) has advocated government for more action on the mental health and addictions crisis, going so far as to declare this crisis a cornerstone in our advocacy. We have also continually advocated for more…

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SUMA City Mayors Call on the Province to Address Problems with the Saskatchewan Income Support Program and Social Housing

Jun 14, 2023

The SUMA City Mayors Caucus recently met in the City of Melville to discuss the shared issues affecting the cities and residents of our province. Some of the most critical issues continue to be homelessness, and the negative effects of homelessness on the homeless themselves and on the neighbourhoods, businesses, and individual residents of our province. “The Saskatchewan Income Support…

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Provincial Investments Important to Saskatchewan’s Hometowns

Mar 23, 2023

Provincial investments are important to improving the quality of life in Saskatchewan’s cities, towns, villages, resort villages, and northern municipalities. With the release of the 2023-24 provincial budget, SUMA recognizes the province’s effort to improve the lives of Saskatchewan’s residents, particularly through increased funding for infrastructure and health services.

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Reduced Access to Health Care, Costs of Landfill Decommissioning, Impacting Communities

Mar 3, 2023

Annually the SUMA Convention and Tradeshow brings municipal issues to the attention of the provincial government and the public. As SUMA prepares for the 2023 event, the association is continuing to call on the provincial government to address enduring issues in Saskatchewan’s hometowns including reduced access to health care and the costs of landfill decommissioning.

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Saskatchewan Cities Feeling Pinch of PST on Municipal Construction Projects

Feb 10, 2023

As municipalities finalize their municipal budgets and prepare for the 2023 construction season, Saskatchewan’s hometowns are continuing to feel the pinch of PST on municipal construction projects. Cities are paying millions of dollars in PST on infrastructure projects designed to improve the quality of life for their residents and surrounding areas.

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Saskatchewan City Mayors Calling for Full Review of Saskatchewan Housing and Income Support Programs

Nov 28, 2022

Saskatchewan’s city mayors continue to be concerned by the challenges faced by their most vulnerable residents and are calling on the Government of Saskatchewan to review both the Saskatchewan Income Support program and the Social Housing Program. “These programs are supposed to help our residents in need. But we continue to see individuals struggle to either pay their rent or gain…

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Local Government Organizations Launch Resource for Saskatchewan Educators

Nov 14, 2022

Treaty 4 Territory, Regina, Sask.– To raise awareness and engagement in local democracy, local government organizations in Saskatchewan have launched a resource to support Grade 4 educators as they teach students about governance. The resource, Who Governs Us? Who Governs the Land? focuses on governance at the local, community, civic, and provincial levels, including both Métis and…

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