
SUMA Board Members Running for FCM Board

May 12, 2014

Beginning tomorrow, representatives from municipalities across Canada will gather in Niagara Falls, Ontario for the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Annual Conference and Tradeshow. Four members of the SUMA (SUMA) Board of Directors will be running for positions with FCM. Get more details in our media release, and best of luck to them all!

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$700,000 for Community Airports

May 8, 2014

SUMA has long advocated for sustainable funding for community airports. In 2010, the SUMA Board of Directors endorsed a policy advocating for additional funding for airport infrastructure in southern Saskatchewan. The Community Airport Partnership (CAP) program has since received a much-needed boost to continue building links among Saskatchewan and national and international markets. This is…

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Regional Recreation Collaboration Research

May 5, 2014

The Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association (SPRA) and the SUMA (SUMA) have entered a partnership to collect information on Saskatchewan practices for regional collaboration on recreation services and to develop a guide to help local governments establish regional partnerships. We have contracted independent firm HJ Linnen Associates to conduct the research. This research project has…

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We Want Your Feedback!

Apr 15, 2014

SUMA members, we want your feedback. Please fill out this quick survey on the partners' program we run during our annual convention. Your responses will help us plan a successful Convention 2015.

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New Building Canada Fund Update

Apr 3, 2014

On Friday, March 28, 2014, the Government of Canada launched the New Building Canada Fund (NBCF) – a $14 billion, 10-year plan to invest in provincial, territorial, and municipal infrastructure. Under the NBCF, there are three components that total $14 billion over 10 years. The National Infrastructure Component – $4 billion/10 years The Provincial/Territorial Infrastructure…

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Recycling Infrastructure Grant Program Launched

Mar 26, 2014

You may have heard last month that the Ministry of Environment is partnering with SUMA to manage a grant to support municipal recycling infrastructure in Saskatchewan in preparation for the upcoming MMRP. We are pleased to tell you that you can now send in your application for eligible projects. The program guidelines and application form are on the program page. To get the wheels turning,…

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2014-2015 Provincial Budget

Mar 20, 2014

The provincial government released the 2014-2015 budget yesterday afternoon in the legislature. SUMA's response is that we are pleased with the investment in urban governments, but continue to have concerns with the lack of details on the Building Canada Fund. Government media release on budget's support for municipalities Budget documents SUMA media release

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CFIB Report on "Rich Municipalities" Misleading

Mar 10, 2014

The Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) released a report entitled “Municipalities Are Richer Than They Think” on February 24, 2014. The report says when all revenues received by cities are calculated, including transfers and user fees, the actual amount of funds received by cities amounts to 15 cents out of every tax dollar in Canada rather than 8 cents argued by FCM. The…

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Request for Proposal: Inter-Municipal Recreation Services Research Project

Mar 5, 2014

The SUMA (SUMA) and the Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association (SPRA) are partnering on a research project to identify Saskatchewan practices focussed on the collaboration of municipal governments in the provision of parks and recreation services. Local governments recognize the value and benefits that the provision of parks and recreation services offer to individuals, families and…

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SUMA Urges Federal Government Action on Building Canada Fund

Feb 12, 2014

The 2014 federal budget is missing important details to support our cities, towns and villages in their efforts to help our province grow despite promises of action. Yesterday’s budget lacked details regarding the Building Canada Fund (BCF) despite the 10-year, $14 billion fund being announced in the 2013 federal budget. For more details, read the full media release.

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Convention 2014 Evaluation and Grey Cup Photos

Feb 6, 2014

Thanks to everyone who attended Convention 2014! We want to know what you thought of this year's event, so please take a moment to fill out the evaluation, and be entered into a draw for a gift certificate. If you went to the Municipal Marketplace Tradeshow on Monday and had your photo taken with the Grey Cup, you can check out your photos in this album.

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SUMA Gets Social

Jan 31, 2014

SUMA is proud to announce that you can now also keep up with all our news on social media. You can follow us on Twitter @SUMA_amplify, and like us on Facebook. We've been on YouTube for a few years now, and are excited by the warm welcome we've already received on the new networks. We are also happy to share the social media policy and handbook that we are using, so you can use it as a…

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Bridge Funding Deadline Approaching

Jan 10, 2014

The deadline to submit documentation for the second round of the 2013 Municipal Recycling Bridge Funding Program is fast approaching. SUMA must receive all documentation by Wednesday, February 19, 2014. A complete submission includes a Receipt Submission Form and actual tonnage information from July 2013 to December 2013. Remember, you must submit all of this information by the deadline to receive…

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Reading Up on the Keynote Speaker

Jan 9, 2014

Ted Jaleta, the keynote speaker for Convention 2014, and his Jaleta Pacers running group hit the news this week. If you want to find out a bit more about Ted and his work in the community, check out the Leader-Post article from January 5. Ted talks about why and how he and his team do the work in the community. Ted Jaleta's keynote speech will beo on Monday, February 3 at 9:30 a.m.

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Almost $1.6 Million for Community Rinks

Dec 19, 2013

Congratulations to the more than 300 communities that received their share of the Community Rink Affordability Grant. Today, the government announced almost $1.6 million would go to 520 facilities across the province. The grant is administered and delivered by our partners at the Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association. More details are available in the goverment's news release.

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