
New Board Prepares to Meet

Mar 13, 2013

This Friday, the SUMA Board of Directors will meet for the first time since the new Board has been in place. The Board now includes: President: Mayor Debra Button Vice-President of Cities: Mayor Malcolm Eaton Vice-President of Towns: Mayor Rodger Hayward Vice-President of Villages, Resort Villages and Northern Municipalities: Mayor Barry Gunther Executive Member Saskatoon/Regina: Councillor…

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Provincial Government Holds The Line On Education Property Tax

Mar 6, 2013

Today, Premier Wall announced that the overal amount of education property tax levied in Saskatchewan will remain steady in 2013. This means that the education tax rates in next week's budget will be reduced "significantly" in light of the increased value of property across the province. Though the total tax amount will remain steady, taxes for some property owners will change, depending on…

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Saskatchewan Cities Driving Growth

Feb 25, 2013

According to the Conference Board of Canada, Saskatoon and Regina will be the fastest growing metropolitan growth, not just in Saskatchewan, but across the country. The best news: it's not just a "boom" The report says the leading city, Saskatoon, should expect Real GDP growth of 3.7 per cent as the construction and services sectors "thrive." Regina's GDP forecase comes in a close second at 3.5…

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SUMA Advocacy Funding

Feb 21, 2013

At the SUMA convention this year, delegates had the chance to provide feedback to Board members on the proposal to increase membership fees to create a dedicated pool of funding to advance SUMA’s advocacy work. Feedback from members was generally very supportive. However, several key messages were received by SUMA: SUMA needs to be extremely transparent with members about how this…

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Winter Roof Collapse Hazard-SUMAssure Risk Control Bulletin

Feb 15, 2013

SUMAssure, Saskatchewan's first home-grown insurance reciprocal, provides benefits to subscribers on top of the low premiums. Risk management information is regularly provided to subscribers; the most recent bulletin was on the risk of roof collapse due to snow buildup. This bulletin is a sample of the risk management information provided to SUMAssure subscribers. For more information on…

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SUMA Excited for the Next Step Toward Recycling Program

Feb 11, 2013

The Ministry of Environment announced today that the Multi-Material Recycling Program (MMRP) regulations were approved last week. Urban governments have been waiting for this since 2005, when the MMRP was first advocated by SUMA. For the last eight years, SUMA worked with industry, the ministry and other stakeholders to develop the draft regulations. For more information, read the full media…

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Investing in Infrastructure Good for the Economy: Canada West Foundation

Feb 7, 2013

The latest research from the Canada West Foundation concludes that Canada’s governments should maintain a high level of investment in public infrastructure because it is a key driver of economic productivity. At the Intersection: The Case for Sustained and Strategic Public Infrastructure Investment, is based on more than 200 studies and shows a strong link between public infrastructure…

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SUMA Executive Election: Platform Documents Available

Feb 1, 2013

SUMA has platform documents available for all candidates currently running for positions on the SUMA Executive Committee. See the list of candidates and their platforms on the Executive Elections page. Elections for SUMA President, Vice-President of Towns, and Vice-President of Villages, Resort Villages and Northern Municipalities will take place at Convention 2013 in Saskatoon.

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Inter-Connections Available Again

Jan 31, 2013

The Municipal Capacity Development Program (MCDP) has released a new issue of its newsletter, Inter-Connections. The January 2013 issue includes articles on transitioning inter-municipal success into regional planning, a recap of November's MCDP Inter-Municipal Conference, opportunities to get grants and funding, and more. You can read the newsletter on the MCDP website.

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Proposed New Federal Ridings Presented in the House of Commons

Jan 29, 2013

SUMA is pleased to see that the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Saskatchewan has proposed the creation of urban only ridings in the cities of Saskatoon and Regina. SUMA made a formal submission to the commission arguing for the urban only ridings based on a growing population and the unique issues that face Saskatchewan’s two largest cities. A portion of SUMA’s submission was…

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SGI Announces 2013 Rates for Fire Suppression & Vehicle Extrication Services

Jan 29, 2013

SGI presented SUMA, SARM, The Saskatchewan Fire Chiefs Association and The Saskatchewan Volunteer Fire Fighters Association with the 2013 rates for Fire Suppression and Vehicle Extrication. Effective January 1, 2013 the hourly rate for a productive call is $839 and the hourly rate for a non-productive call is $503. The increase is based on the Saskatchewan Consumer Price Index of 1.6% for…

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More Than $1.6 Million Goes to Community Rinks

Jan 28, 2013

Through the Community Rink Affordability Grant, the Government of Saskatchewan paid out more than $1.6 million dollars to 387 communities for 554 facilities across Saskatchewan. The grant paid $2,500 per ice service to help fund operating costs and minor capital upgrades. See the full news release for more information, and a list of grant recipients.

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Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Calls for More Money for Infrastructure

Jan 24, 2013

A new study from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives says the "underinvestment in infrasturucture is not a crisis but a chronic problem in Canada." The study calls for another $300 billion over the next 10 years - on top of current spending - to return infrastructure spending to historic levels. The centre says investment declined from the 1950s until stimulus programs were introduced in…

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Partnership Agreement Will Advance Innovation in Municipal Infrastructure

Jan 17, 2013

The SUMA (SUMA) and Communities of Tomorrow have signed a partnership agreement, paving the way for closer collaboration and co-operation between the two organizations. Communities of Tomorrow (CT) is a public-private organization created to facilitate the development of innovative infrastructure products and services and to work with the public and private sectors to further enhance…

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Help Protect Canada's Infrastructure with FCM Campaign

Jan 17, 2013

The Great Canadian Infrastructure Challenge, put on by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), continues. In a recent blog post and new video FCM urges you to tell your MP how important infrastructure is in your community. As the federal government prepares Budget 2013, the more voices we can join together, the more effective the campaign can be.

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