We are URBAN

As we celebrate the strength of our communities, we are excited to introduce SUMA’s campaign, We Are URBAN. This initiative shines a spotlight on all the ways urban municipalities—from the smallest villages to the largest cities—serve their population. Whether it's the new skating rink, water and sewer services, parks, or libraries, these are just some examples of facilities that make our cities, towns, villages, resort villages, and northern municipalities urban hubs that bring people together.                                

As you travel across Saskatchewan this summer, keep an eye out for our billboards featuring some of our SUMA members proudly declaring, We are URBAN. These billboards represent not just individual communities but the collective strength of all our municipalities and what it means to be urban.

We will be highlighting the landmarks, events, and features that make your municipality what it is. Your community may have an annual festival, a rink, a treasured downtown, or a dance hall. Maybe you’re excited about efforts to build an important new water or wastewater facility. We need you to show us what makes your community special.

We will use memoryKPR throughout the campaign to collect submissions. All we need you to do is submit a picture and a brief explanation of what you choose to highlight! If you have them, include your social media tags and information. We'll tag you to draw more traffic to your pages! You can follow us on X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, or Instagram to watch the campaign unfold.

Please use this link or scan the QR code above to enter your submissions.

Thank you for your unwavering dedication to serving our municipalities. Let's celebrate your municipality as a part of the urban family. We are URBAN.