CentralSource Partners

Sands Dust Control


Sands Dust Control offers a maintainable asphalt oil called S.B.-90 that provides a superior driving surface and excellent longevity. This product has an asphalt content and density that allows the cured surface to be re-worked and re-laid by motor graders alone. The surface will again set up, providing effective dust control. This maintenance procedure can be done a time or two, but eventually additional oil is required to rejuvenate the surface. The rejuvenation process typically requires less than 50 per cent of the initial application and restores the surface for another 3-10 year period. Because S.B.-90 is incorporated into the surface aggregate during application, this process (in addition to controlling traffic generated dust), retains surface aggregate, reduces grading and maintenance costs, and sheds water, making it safe, effective, and affordable.

Members will be invoiced from Sands Dust Control with quoted pricing. Please make sure to identify yourself as a SUMA member. Contact Dwain Sands at 403-728-2344 for more information.