Virtual SUMA Summit
$40 + GST and PST
February 13, 2025
Join us for SUMA's second biggest event of the year! SUMA member meetings are a great opportunity to get to know your peers, learn about successes and challenges experienced by other municipalities, and hear updates from SUMA and our partners. We kick off the beginning of each year with the Virtual SUMA Summit (formerly SUMA Sector Meetings) where all members are invited to discuss priorities for their sector, hear from SUMA, and participate in learning opportunities.
This meeting is also where elections for the towns and villages/resort villages caucus’ will take place. Registration is open to representatives from all SUMA member municipalities. The cost to attend is $40/person + GST and PST.
Visit https://suma.org/events/events/suma-summit for more information.
Register here!
The Virtual SUMA Summit is sponsored by SaskWater.