Creative Options for Municipalities Without a SARCAN Depot

Creative Options for Municipalities Without a SARCAN Depot


June 25, 2024 - 2:00 pm – 2:00 pm


Interested in bringing a SARCAN depot to your municipality? While not every community is large enough to have a SARCAN depot, there are ways that smaller communities can enhance their environmental sustainability by opening a Community Refund Centre. Join us on Tuesday June 25 at 2:00 p.m. for the webinar Creative Options for Municipalities Without a SARCAN Depot to learn how to work with SARCAN Recycling to open up a Community Refund Centre!

Come prepared to share your feedback through interactive polls and opportunities to brainstorm with your peers to generate ideas to help smaller communities partner with SARCAN, and presenters will discuss case studies from successful Community Refund Centres. Information presented in this webinar will be most relevant to Villages, Resort Villages, Northern Municipalities, and First Nations however representatives from municipalities of all sizes are welcome to attend.

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Thanks to a generous sponsorship from SUMAssure, all SUMA webinars are free for SUMA members to attend. Non members can attend for $45 + GST.

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