Federal Government Wants to Hear from You on Canada's Infrastructure Plan

Jul 21, 2016

The Government of Canada plans to invest $120 billion over the next 10 years to build strong, inclusive and sustainable communities, and they want to hear from you. Phase 1 is already underway, and now the Government of Canada is inviting you to share your views on Phase 2 of Canada’s infrastructure plan.

You can provide feedback in five ways: eWorkbooks, discussion forums, photo and video submissions, written submissions, and community-led events.

The Government of Canada is particularly interested in your thoughts on four important themes:

  • Community infrastructure: your needs and the infrastructure priorities in your community
  • Green infrastructure: Canada's ongoing transition to a clean-growth economy
  • Public transit infrastructure: improving and expanding public transit systems in communities across Canada
  • Social infrastructure: building stronger communities through social infrastructure projects like affordable housing and cultural and recreational infrastructure

To join the conversation on the Government of Canada’s infrastructure plan, visit their website or send a tweet to @INFC_eng using the hashtag #INFRAconsults.  

Infographic for federal consultation on infrastructure plan. Reads: Have your say as the Government of Canada develops Phase 2 of the $120 billion infrastructure plan #INFRAconsults