SUMA's 2024 Provincial Election Hub

This page is dedicated to providing you with information on SUMA’s advocacy campaign during the 2024 Provincial Election. Here you will find information on the key issues we’ll be raising (in various forms), links to social media platforms, and recent articles relating to the issues we are championing. Please check back often, as this page will be updated throughout the course of the election campaign until Saskatchewan residents go to the poll on or before October 28, 2024.


Campaign Overview

For the 2024 Provincial Election Campaign, SUMA has identified one key theme, Municipal Autonomy and Sustainability, with three underlying issues to be addressed:

  1. Municipal Revenues
  2. Municipal Responsibilities
  3. Provincial Downloading

We are calling on all provincial parties to present platforms that:

  • Allow municipalities more opportunities to expand their revenue streams;
  • Changing legislation to improve how bylaws are enforced, assessments are conducted, and landfills administered; a re-write of the Police Act to better reflect policing in today's world; and strong leadership on environmental issues
  • Change and improve decision making processes and policies that lead to responsibilities being downloaded onto municipalities.


Important Resources from SUMA


This document explains the key messages and background of the issues SUMA is highlighting in this campaign. Review these carefully to ensure you understand the issues.


Letters to the Editor Template

This Word document is provided for you to personalize with your municipality's information and send to your local newspaper(s). For convenience sake, we have condensed all of the issues we'll be focusing on into a single letter. 

  • Municipal Revenues, Municipal Responsibilities, and Provincial Downloading - Download


Letter to Candidates Template

This Word document is another for you to personalize on behalf of your municipality. When it is personalized, you can send a copy to each candidate in your riding. And don't forget to also send a copy to SUMA. 

Download the template here.


President's Update

As the campaign progresses, members should watch their email for updates from SUMA's president Randy Goulden. We are also sharing videos from President Goulden on our social media, which will also be posted below.




Online Provincial Election Forum

SUMA is planning a Provincial Election forum, open to members only, for October 9th. Please stay tuned for more information on that event.

Following the forum, we will post the recording on this page.


Election Platforms

SUMA will watch the media for the parties' election platforms. We will gather information from those platforms relevent to municipalities and divided it into our three main topics: municipal revenues, municipal downloading, and provincial downloading, and compile it into one document for easy reference, which we will then post on this page.


Other Online Resources

Municipal Information Network  

Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM) 


Social Media

Throughout the election campaign, we encourage you to share and retweet our social media content. We’ve also included a list of suggested hashtags to get our messages spread as widely as possible — and to those who need to see them.


SUMA social Media Platforms




Suggested Hashtags

