
Increased Financial Support for Fire Services

Year: 2024


WHEREAS, Fire Services in Saskatchewan face increasing roles and responsibilities in addressing responses to health, social, and economic factors, such as challenges with mental health and addictions, a rise in homelessness, inadequate and unsafe housing, rise in overdose and discarded needles, and an aging population and lift assists; and

WHEREAS, roles and responsibilities are placing a strain on municipal resources and more support from the Province and Federal Government is needed; and

WHEREAS, greater support will enhance Saskatchewan Fire Service’s ability to address response times and lead to improved outcomes and increased safety for our municipal residents and non-residents alike, will ease the financial burden on municipal ratepayers, and provide assistance in addressing the increased demand on municipal Fire Services to respond to new and existing health, social, and economic factors;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT SUMA advocate the Saskatchewan Government and Federal Government for increased financial support for Fire Services provision in Saskatchewan.

Provincial Response

Dear Randy Goulden:

Thank you for your letter dated, May 13, 2024. In 2023 SGI provided $5.6 million in funding for the Transportation Rescue Extrication (TREX) Program for the delivery of training courses that allow volunteer Firefighters to meet minimum standards for auto extrication, and to purchase tools and equipment that support the application of that training. The Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency (SPSA} received 86 applications and to date 55 fire departments have completed training and received extrication tools. This year, the remainder of these fire departments will complete the program.

The SPSA provides resources to fire departments, including public education materials to assist with the delivery of fire prevention programs. Local fire services provide a critical role in educating communities about fire prevention. Effective fire prevention programs are essential for reducing fire incidents and enhancing the overall safety of the community.

Municipal and volunteer fire departments in Saskatchewan are experiencing challenges with attracting new recruits to their local departments. After consultation with the Fire Sector Advisory Council, the SPSA will develop key messages and marketing products that fire departments can use to enhance their own recruitment strategy. Materials and products are being developed for distribution to the fire departments, who will lead the distribution to their audience.

The Fire Service Minimum Standards were developed firstly to enhance fire fighter safety by establishing training, equipment, and administrative standards. It has also become a vehicle to guide discussions with municipal councils regarding service levels and understanding the true costs associated with service delivery. Having these discussions allows Municipal councils to determine what is necessary for their communities, and what may not be of value.



Paul Merriman

Minister of Corrections, Policing, and Public Safety

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