
2023-06. Golf Carts as Neighbourhood Small Vehicles

Year: 2023


Whereas Section 113.1 of The Traffic Safety Act permits the operation of golf carts on a highway or any part of a highway with a municipal bylaw in place; and

Whereas regulations in Saskatchewan legislation require additional bylaw approval from SGI as administrator, based on a restrictive set of best practices limiting golf cart use to the following: transportation on municipal roadways, to/from the golf course, using the shortest most direct route between the golf course and where the golf cart is stored; travel is allowed during daylight hours only; the bylaw must specify where the operation of a golf cart is permitted/prohibited; and

Whereas other jurisdictions in Canada have successfully adopted safe golf cart use in accordance with the rise of a micro-mobility revolution to deliver low-carbon, cost- effective, ability-inclusive means for alternative transportation; and

Whereas a similar approach to micro-mobility transportation was adopted through an Order in Council on September 15, 2022: OC423-2022 creating The Limited Speed Motor Vehicle Regulations adding to The Traffic Safety Act, Section 287, permitting safe and responsible electric kick scooter use on Saskatchewan highways and roadways; and

Whereas many SUMA members, primarily from smaller communities and resort villages, have expressed support for ability-inclusive, cost-effective, safe, environmentally-aware transportation alternatives that enhance community connectivity and reduce parking congestion in public gathering spaces.

Therefore be it resolved that SUMA lobby the Minister of Highways, the Minister of Government Relations, and the Minister Responsible for all major Crown Corporations, for change to SGI’s “best practices” and for any associated legislative and regulatory changes, as required, to give municipalities the choice to allow golf carts to be operated on municipal roadways.


Acts affected: The Traffic Safety Act and Regulations;

Regions/Sectors: ALL, but most support coming from smaller communities

Provincial Response

Dear Randy Goulden:

Thank you for the opportunity to respond to your May 11, 2023, letter regarding the resolutions adopted by your membership at the 118th Annual SUMA Convention. I also appreciated the opportunity to participate in the convention.

In response to the resolution regarding golf carts as small neighbourhood vehicles, you will be pleased to know that as of May 12, 2023, Saskatchewan municipalities now have the ability to pass a bylaw that allows golf carts to be used on public roads for more than just getting to and from the golf course. The SGI policy sets minimum safety requirements for the province, leaving municipalities the ability to decide what works best for their community. These changes have been introduced as a two-year pilot project that, at conclusion, will determine if any regulatory changes are needed.

Each municipality is responsible for submitting its own golf cart bylaw to SGI. Bylaws will need to comply with best practices and must be approved by SGI before they're deemed in force. A golf cart bylaw is not required if a municipality chooses not to allow golf carts on public roads.

SGI has and will continue to work with municipalities on identifying and managing the risks and hazards associated with operating golf carts on public roads. More information, including specific rules and regulations surrounding the use of golf carts on public roadways, can be found at:

I commend the members of SUMA for their continuing dedication to keeping our roads safe and thank you for submitting these resolutions for consideration.



Don Morgan, K.C.

Minister Responsible for SGI

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