
SaskPower Rates for Municipal Rink Facilities

Year: 2020


Whereas rinks are the hubs in Saskatchewan communities, providing a place to exercise as well as to socialize; and

Whereas the benefits of exercise to our health and well-being are well known; and 

Whereas the social benefits of providing activities for our youth and a gathering place for everyone are incalculable; and

Whereas balancing the costs to operate rink facilities while charging fees that most people can afford is difficult for our communities; and

Whereas SaskPower charges rink facilities their Business Standard rate for electricity, which is designed for profit; and

Whereas the Business Standard rate puts an unfair burden on our rink facilities, which are not-for-profit; and

Whereas SaskPower is a Crown Corporation of the Province of Saskatchewan;

Therefore be it resolved that the SUMA advocate SaskPower and the Minister Responsible for SaskPower to recognize the not-for-profit nature of community rinks and the value that they provide by offering a reduced electrical rate for all community-owned rink facilities or offsetting electricity costs through a grant program.


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