
Provincial Funding for Environmental Regulations

Year: 2011


Therefore be it resolved that the SUMA lobby the Ministry of Environment to ensure that any changes in provincial policy, regulations, or legislation that download or add costs or responsibilities to municipalities be accompanied with appropriate off-setting provincial resources.

Provincial Response

Our government recognizes that compliance with environmental standards, such as those for drinking water and waste management, represents challenges for municipalities. The new results-based environmental regulatory framework will allow for continuing provision of expertise to smaller municipalities and will retain familiar regulatory provisions. We will work with municipalities on a phased-in approach to regulations such as improving the management of landfills, as was done for drinking water and wastewater management. Planning to develop and sustain infrastructure will position municipalities to attract development and protect human health and the environment. Upgrading water systems to meet current and future standards will ensure public health protection and long-term sustainability of the waterworks. Funding mechanisms such as the Building Canada Fund have provided financial support to help municipalities upgrade waterworks to meet the standards in the past. All current infrastructure grant programs have been fully allocated. We recommend that communities seek funding under various federal-provincial infrastructure funds as these become available from time to time.

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