
Engage Ministry of Environment in Infrastructure Projects

Year: 2012


Whereas Saskatchewan Environment is the regulating body in relation to sewage regulations; Whereas municipalities are required to comply with the regulations as set out by Saskatchewan Environment and invest in multi-million dollar facilities to meet these regulations; Whereas Saskatchewan Environment will only tell you what you cannot do after the research and feasibility studies have been invested in; Whereas small municipalities have limited financial resources; Therefore be it resolved that the SUMA urge the Ministry of Environment to work with urban governments in the planning phase of environmental infrastructure projects to aid in limiting the time, finances and resources spent prior to the project beginning. This involvement could include but not be limited to recommending infrastructure types that will meet regulations and be applicable for the region.

Provincial Response

We recognize the challenges faced by municipalities in planning and designing environmental infrastructure projects such as water and sewage works upgrades and we will continue to work with everyone on minimizing timelines and exposure during these stages. The ministry has published guidelines for infrastructure types known to meet regulatory requirements and perform well in our climate. In addition, our engineering staff are pleased to review any environmental infrastructure types and projects proposed by municipal consultants. However, with the exception of emergency situations, it could be seen as a conflict of interest for the regulator to be recommending the infrastructure type. We believe it is in the best interest of all if the municipalities plan infrastructure improvements that fit well within the overall community development plans.

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