
Per Capita Grant Formula

Year: 2007


Be it resolved that the SUMA Executive lobby for a per-capita grant formula that would be adjusted each year between censuses to the most recent and verifiable population numbers, grandfathering municipalities with declining populations at their highest funding level until the next census.

Provincial Response

Reponse: For 2007-08, an Urban Revenue Sharing distribution formula was implemented that includes a base amount for each community and a per capita amount, based on the 2008 census figures. This is the formula that was requested by SUMA, which it said its members support. A minimum increase of 5% was provided to all communities, if the new base plus per capita amounts would have provided a smaller increase. The department is not prepared to use two sets of population figures that are available, based on actual population counts. The Stats Canada Adjusted Population figures are just estimates, not actual population counts and may vary considerably from actual populations. The option identified by this SUMA resolution could be examined in the Municipal Sector Strategic Plan discussions on Revenue Sharing where the department and urban municipalities could together access its feasibility and its implications.

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