SUMA Elections

Oct 28, 2016

Now that municipal elections are concluded, SUMA is looking ahead to the elections for our Board of Directors. This document explains the official procedures to elect and appoint SUMA Board members.

Some members of the SUMA Board did not seek re-election in their municipalities, and some were not re-elected. All of those vacancies will be filled in accordance with our bylaws as we move through the full election process.

The election process for the new Board of Directors will begin in November, when the seven southern regions will elect their respective directors and alternates. The Northeast, Northwest, East Central, Central, West Central, Southeast, and Southwest regions have their own meetings happening from November 15-25. Elected officials must be sworn in by the meeting date to run for the Director (or alternate) position. Nominations are open, and will also be accepted from the floor at the meetings.

The Vice-President of Cities is elected when the City Mayors’ Caucus (CMC) elects their chair. The CMC will meet in Regina on November 18, 2016.

The Northern Regional Director and remaining Executive Committee members will be elected at Convention 2017. 

Elections for President will take place on Monday, February 6, 2017. 

On Tuesday, February 7, 2017 there will be elections for the:

  • Vice-President of Towns, during their sector meeting;
  • Vice-President of Villages, Resort Villages, and Northern Municipalities, during their sector meeting; and
  • Northern Regional Director, during the Northern Regional Meeting.

If neither the President nor the Vice-President of Cities is from Regina or Saskatoon, those two cities will also elect the Executive Member for Saskatoon/Regina on Tuesday. 

Nominations for the Northern Regional Director and Executive Committee are open now.

If you have any questions about SUMA elections, you can contact our CEO, Laurent Mougeot, at 306-525-4387 or

Election Procedures
Regional Director Nomination Form
Executive Position Nomination Form