
Speed Limits When Passing Emergency Vehicles

Year: 2022


Whereas the scene of an emergency can contain multiple vehicles and first responders on and along the highway, which can create a disordered and chaotic environment; and

Whereas, on average in Saskatchewan, there are 57 vehicle crashes annually involving an emergency vehicle, resulting in approximately 19 injuries; and

Whereas failing to reduce speeds puts emergency workers and other motorists at risk of serious injury or even death; and

Whereas SGI research and data states that in most cases, a pedestrian hit by a vehicle travelling at 40 km/h or less survives, but will die if hit by a vehicle travelling at 60 km/h or more;


Therefore be it resolved that SUMA advocate the provincial Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure to further reduce the speed limit when passing emergency vehicles to 40 km/hr in order to ensure that drivers, passengers, and crew members can do their jobs safely.   


ACTS AFFECTED: The Traffic Safety Act


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