Recommendations Related to the Final Report of the Grain Handling and Transportation Review Affectin
Year: 1999
Therefore be it resolved that SUMA supports the following four recommendations of the final report of the Grain Handling and Transportation Review, chaired by Justice Estey: Recommendation #4 – Farmers would retain the right to load producer cars with access to railway sidings. Recommendation #8 – That The Canadian Transportation Act (CTA) be revised to provide more competition between railways and to make it easier for short line railways to go into business. Recommendation #10 (a) – The railways should live up to the spirit as well as the letter of the CTA abandonment process. Recommendation #10 (b) – Give communities the opportunity to acquire branch lines as a complete unit and permit the buyer to operate the line as a short line railway, or to use the property for another purpose. Recommendation #10 (c) – Direct a portion of the savings from abandoned branch lines be given to the communities affected by the closure. Recommendation #11 – A greater percentage of federal and provincial fuel tax be used to improve municipal grid roads and secondary provincial highways used by grain trucks. Be it further resolved that SUMA request the Federal Government to retain the present maximum freight rate cap and retain the current system of sourcing and transporting grain; and Be it further resolved that competing rail companies be permitted to access the existing rail lines, similar in nature to the CRTC rules that allow competing long distance carriers to have the ability to utilize the SaskTel communications network.