Urban Highway Connector Program
Year: 2011
Therefore be it resolved that the SUMA lobby the provincial government to amend the Provincial Highways Designation Regulations from 1,000 people or more to city status; Be it further resolved that, towns currently signed on to UHCP agreements should have the option to continue in the program after the regulatory change; Be it further resolved that the UHCP remain a fully voluntary program for cities to participate in.
Provincial Response
In October 2010, the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure commissioned McNair Business Development to undertake a comprehensive review of the Urban Highway Connector Program (UHCP). The results of this review are expected later this month, at which time the Ministry will assess potential changes and/ or modifications to the program. Please be assured that the Ministry will consult with SUMA and urban municipalities prior to finalizing any changes to the program. As you will likely agree, consistency and equity are key principles the UHCP uses to ensure that all member communities are afforded the same terms. As such, if a town has chosen to join the UHCP and the program is modified or changed as a result of the review, they will be afforded those modifications. In addition, because the UHCP is voluntary, each of the current 58 eligible urban municipalities has the option whether or not they wish to participate in the program.