
Bicycle Helmet Safety

Year: 2015


Whereas in the past number of years, awareness has been raised around the issues of safe cycling, and a desire exists to promote safe cycling and the prevention of bicycle-related injuries; and Whereas throughout the country each year, numerous cyclists are seriously injured or killed in crashes involving bicycles, or bicycles in collision with a motor vehicle, with head injury being the leading cause of death and serious long-term disability; and Whereas it has been shown that the effectiveness of helmet use while bicycling can help to reduce steadily increasing health care costs; and Whereas studies indicate the rate of head injury associated with bicycling has declined amongst all of Canada with the biggest impact seen in provinces where helmet laws have been implemented with a reduction of 45 per cent, in comparison to 27 per cent where helmets are not mandatory; and Whereas seven (7) provinces in Canada have some form of bicycle helmet law, excluding Saskatchewan; and Whereas the implementation of provincial-wide bicycle helmet legislation would provide consistency, while current isolated municipal bylaws can create confusion; Therefore be it resolved that the SUMA request the Provincial Government, and specifically Saskatchewan Government Insurance, amend The Highway Traffic Act, to make the use of bicycle helmets mandatory for all age groups, and that a suitable penalty for non-adherence to this safety issue be included in that legislation. Background information: At the November 10, 2014 City of Prince Albert council meeting, fourth-year nursing students from the University of Saskatchewan College of Nursing, made a presentation on the mandatory use of bicycle helmets. Attached are their relevant speaking notes and a research paper for further information in considering this resolution. In addition, in January 2012, City of Prince Albert Council suggested to the Ministry of Health that appropriate provincial-wide legislation be adopted which would require the use of helmets when operating any bicycle, or wheeled-sport device. This legislation would ensure that all Saskatchewan municipalities comply with consistent rules and regulations. Attached are several related correspondences and documentation for consideration. A similar resolution from the City of Prince Albert, entitled “Mandatory Use of Bicycle Helmets” was forwarded to SUMA and adopted at the 1997 SUMA Convention.

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