Requirement to Register All Terrain Vehicles
Year: 2010
Therefore be it resolved that the SUMA request the Government of Saskatchewan amend The All Terrain Vehicles Act to require All Terrain Vehicle operators to obtain a certificate of registration or registration permit.
Provincial Response
Response: The mandate of the Saskatchewan Auto Fund is registration of vehicles designed for use on provincial roadways and provision of insurance protection for Saskatchewan motorists in the event of a vehicle accident or loss. All-terrain vehicles are considered off-road vehicles and do not fall within the mandate of the Saskatchewan Auto Fund. I have been approached by the Saskatchewan ATV Association, which would also like ATVs registered. In addition, the ATV Association, like the Saskatchewan Snowmobile Association, would like the registration fees to be provided to it for the purpose of funding trail grooming and safety. Although SGI handles collection of registration fees, the issue of registering ATVs has broader government implications. Over the next few months, I will be consulting with my Cabinet colleagues and other before reaching any decisions in this matter.