
Uniform Compensation Rate for Annexed Lands

Year: 2010


Be it resolved that the SUMA work with the Government of Saskatchewan to develop a uniform compensation rate that urban municipalities will pay for annexed lands from a rural municipality proven to be needed for future growth at a rate of seven years for commercial assessment and seven years for agricultural assessment.

Provincial Response

Response The Ministry is committed to looking at ways to help alleviate disputes between municipalities and shares an interest in a cooperative annexation process between jurisdictions that are timely, fair and includes equitable financial arrangements. The Ministry has made itself available to work with the Mayors/Reeves committee, set up in 2009, to discuss growth pressures around cities, planning districts and boundary alteration processes. In addition, the Municipal Sector Strategic Plan committee tables are available to pursue a collaborative approach on such issues. The Ministry would support formation of a working group of ministry, urban and rural officials to examine the issue. Ultimately, if provision are to be implemented, the will require the support of all stakeholders. The Ministry is also preparing a handbook to help guide municipalities through the boundary alternation process.

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