
The Urban Highway Connector Program (UHCP)

Year: 2019


Whereas the Government of Saskatchewan developed the UHCP to facilitate cities taking on jurisdiction and responsibility for roads connecting two highways within their boundaries; and

Where the Government agreed to provide operations and maintenance grants, as well as full funding for the first rehabilitation of UHCP roadways, on the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure schedule; and

Whereas the political decision to underfund the UHCP, and the necessary inflationary increases to the operational grants within a closed funding envelope, have led to ever decreasing amounts available for rehabilitations; and

Whereas, in the absence of provincial funding, cities have had to pay for road rehabilitations themselves, to ensure the safety of their residents;

Therefore be it resolved that the SUMA advocate the Government of Saskatchewan to immediately develop and fund a plan to see all UHCP roads in less than fair condition to be rehabilitated in the next three years, in cooperation with SUMA and affected cities.

Be it further resolved that UHCP roads in fair or better condition, but still awaiting their first rehabilitation, be part of MHI’s asset management plan to receive rehabilitation in the next 10 years.


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